Free Airport/Mall Transportation
(407) 851-6400
• High speed Internet & Internet Café
• Heated Pool & Whirlpool
• Tennis & Basketball courts
• Complimentary Breakfast (with room)
• 10% Discount on items at the Café
• Discounted $2.00 per day parking
Reservations made for _________ nights
with check-in on ________________.
Confirmation #: __________________
When YOU call to make your reservation, mention that
you are with the IDEA EXCHANGE and you will get a
room for the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $149.00 plus tax
(Doubles or King, up to 4 people per room).
Make your reservation NOW, we have reserved limited
space at this rate.
This is a full service hotel with a free shuttle bus to/from
the airport. Bring your spouse or family for a mini vacation and get the same rate for 2 or 3 days either side of the dates.
Airport Holiday Inn Orlando FL