February 21 & 22, 2022

At the 2022 IDEA EXCHANGE,
Servant Leaders will gather from across the America and other countries not to hear preaching, promotion, or sell books, but rather to hear what God has put in the hearts of other leaders and what is working for them. Our purpose is to have an IDEA EXCHANGE.
We are looking for cutting edge quality choice leaders who can bring some intelligent, anointed IDEAS that are stimulated by serious thought, prayer, and experience to bless other men, women, and ministries.
This is YOUR invitation as a chosen top leader to join with other leaders for this special event on Feb 21 and 22, 2022.
REGISTER TODAY by sending in this form or going to our website. Schedule: Monday: 4:00 PM Registration Begins 5:30 PM Kickoff Plenary Session
- Covid-19 challenges
- Give me a break, how to ask for a sabbatical
- Fishing on the other side of the boat, online evangelism.
- Church discipline of a long-term church member.
- Do you reporting individual staff salaries in the church budget.
- Are you more in love with the past than the future.
- Why is it important to have women in leadership?
- Are you more focused on growth than on God.
- The Need for Racial Reconciliation.
- What the Church faces with legal issues.
- And many other subjetcs as time allows…